Language & Literacy Day
Our annual Language & Literacy Day allows our Graduate and Undergraduate Fellows to present their research as either poster or oral presentations.
Student presentations are followed by a Distinguished Lecture and lunch for attendees.
Past Distinguished Lectures
Spring 2024 Lecture Series

Dr. Pamela Hadley
University of Illinois
“Promoting Sentence Diversity with Toy Talk: From Initial Feasibility Studies to Clinical Trial”
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Dr. Carol Hammer
Columbia University
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Dr. Megan Roberts
Northwestern University
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Dr. Howard Goldstein
University of South Florida
Friday, April 19, 2024
L&L Day – College of Arts and Sciences Event Center
Hybrid – In Person Livestream
Fall 2023 Lecture Series

Dr. Cathy Binger
University of New Mexico
“Beyond Essential Messages: Supporting Expressive Language Development for Children with Profound Speech Disorders”
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Dr. Raul Rojas
University of Kansas
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Dr. Sara Hart
Florida State University
Thursday, November 9, 2023

Dr. Jana Iverson
Boston University
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Spring 2023 Lecture Series

Dr. Shelley Gray
Arizona State University
“Working Memory as the Key Topic Tying into Dyslexia and Developmental Language Disorder”
Friday, January 19, 2023

Dr. Marcia Barnes
Vanderbilt University
Reading between the lines: inference-making and reading comprehension in Secondary Students
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Dr. Jay Rueckl
University of Connecticut
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Dr. David Francis
University of Houston
L&L Day
Friday, April 21, 2023
Fall 2022 Lecture Series

Dr. Paul Cirino
University of Houston
“Framing Executive Functions as a Construct and its Relation to Achievement”
Thursday, September 1, 2022

Dr. Martine Smith
Trinity College, Dublin
“AAC and literacy: Challenges and Opportunities”
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Dr. Karen Erickson
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Medicine
“A Diverse Approach to Understanding Learners with the Most Complex Needs:
From Single-subject Design to Implementation Science and Post-Critical Ethnography”
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Dr. Maria Adelaida Restrepo
University of South Florida
“Heritage speakers, their language, assessment, and intervention”
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Dr. Janice Light
Pennsylvania State University
“Development & Evaluation of AAC Technologies to Support Literacy Skills for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs”
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Spring 2022 Lecture Series
Dr. Peter Afflerbach
University of Maryland
“Science of Reading or Sciences of Reading Research: Research, Theory and Practice”
Friday, January 21, 2022
Dr. Karla McGregor
University of Iowa
Wednesday, February 17, 2022
Dr. Shayne Piasta
The Ohio State University
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Dr. Sharon Vaughn
University of Texas at Austin
Friday, April 8, 2022
L&L Day Virtual Conference
Fall 2021 Lecture Series
Dr. Richard Schwartz
City University of New York
“50 years of Child Language Disorders Research: Some Big Questions, Methods, and the Lexicon”
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Dr. Jareen Meinzen-Derr
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
“Language Underperformance in Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: A Career Path to Intervention.”
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Dr. James Magnuson
University of Connecticut
“Realistic Modeling of Human Speech Recognition”
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Dr. Marilyn Nippold
University of Oregon
“Language and Critical Thinking in Adolescents: Development and Disorders”
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Spring 2021 Lecture Series

“Research on Language and Literacy Socialization Across Transnational, Multilingual Contexts”
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Dr. Jill Allor
Southern Methodist University
“Teaching Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to Read: Is it really any different than teaching other students to read?”
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Dr. Howard Shane
Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard
“The Visual Immersion System® for Persons on the Autism Spectrum: An Overview and Supportive Research”
Friday, March 26, 2021

Dr. Laura Justice
Ohio State University
“Using Implementation Science to Improve Literacy Interventions”
Friday, April 16, 2021
Fall 2020 Lecture Series

Dr. Christine Yoshinaga-Itano
University of Colorado – Boulder
“Impact of race/ethnicity, education and poverty on literacy outcomes of children who are deaf or hard of hearing identified after UNHS/EHDI*.” *UNHS=Universal newborn hearing screening; EHDI=early hearing detection and intervention”
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Dr. Lisa Bedore
Temple University
“Developmental Language Disorder and Divided Language Experience: How bilingual children’s grammar is influenced by input.”
Thursday, October 8, 2020

Dr. Jenny Saffran
University of Wisconsin – Madison
“Building a Lexicon”
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Dr. Patricia Prelock
University of Vermont
“Theory of Mind in Autism: Parent Training in Narrative Book Reading to Improve Social Understanding”
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Spring 2020 Lecture Series

Dr. Martha Bigelow
University of Minnesota
“Engaged Research at the Intersection of Language and Education”
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Dr. Malatesha Joshi
Texas A&M University
“Spelling, The Componential Model of Reading, and Teacher preparation”
Friday, February 21, 2020

Dr. Rebecca Treiman
Washington University
“Learning to Write Words”
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Dr. Laura Justice
The Ohio State University
“Is more always better? Exploring optimal dosage for early-literacy interventions”
Fall 2019 Lecture Series

Dr. Art Graesser
University of Memphis
“Adaptive Intelligent Learning Environments for Adults”
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dr. Jan Frijters
Brock University
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dr. Christopher Lemons
Vanderbilt University
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Dr. Jennifer Kent-Walsh
University of Central Florida
Thursday, December 5, 2019
2019-2009 Lecture Series
Spring 2019
"Input Matters: Evidence from Studies of Early Monolingual and Bilingual Development"
Dr. Mabel Rice, University of Kansas
"Identifying Shared Genetics of Disorders of Language, Speech, and Reading: Multiple Gene Effects and Methodological Challenges"
Dr. Margaret Harris, Oxford-Brookes University
"The Development of Literacy Skills in Children Who are Deaf"
Fall 2018
"Improving Reading Outcomes: The Role of Oral Language Comprehension"
Dr. Carolyn Mervis, University of Louisville
"Language and Literacy in Children with Deletion or Duplication of the Williams Syndrome Region"
Dr. Vincent Gracco, Haskins Laboratories
"Some Neural and Behavioral Characteristics of Typical and Atypical Speech Development"
Spring 2018
"Language and Reading Outcomes of Children with Mild-to-Severe Hearing Loss"
Dr. Amy Wetherby, Florida State University
"Early Intervention and Children with Autism"
L&L Day - Dr. Judith Carta, University of Kansas
"The Challenges of Bridging the Word Gap: Meaningful Solutions from Translational Research"
Fall 2017
"Social and Emotional Learning in Children with Developmental Language Disorders: A Complex Picture"
Dr. Jun Ren Lee, National Taiwan Normal University
"Myths and Challenges of Research in Chinese Reading Acquisition and Disabilities"
Dr. Kathryn Saunders, University of Kansas
"Knowing it Backwards and Forwards: A Spelling Approach to Teaching and Assessing the Alphabetic Principle and Phonemic Awareness"
Dr. Nickola Wolf Nelson, Western Michigan University
"Principles for Making Your Language/Literacy Research Agenda Count"
Spring 2017
"Specific Reading Comprehension Disability: Myth, Misnomer, or Genuine Malady?"
Dr. Julie Masterson, Missouri State University
"Reading, Spelling, Speech: Exploring Complex Relationships"
L&L Day - Dr. Mabel Rice, University of Kansas
"What We Learn About Language by Studying Twins: New Findings From Age 2 to 16 Years"
Fall 2016
"Intergenerational Imaging of Reading Networks"
Dr. Lourdes Ortega, Georgetown University
"Carving Transformative Understandings of Multilingual Success"
Dr. Elizabeth Kay Raining Bird, Dalhousie University
"Bilingualism in Children and Adolescents with Down syndrome"
Dr. Katherine Hustad, University of Wisconsin
"Longitudinal Development of Speech and Language in Children with Cerebral Palsy: Growth Curves and Outcomes"
Spring 2016
“Etiology and Neuropsychology of Learning Disabilities and ADHD: Understanding the 'Whirling Ball of Comorbidity”
Dr. Krista Wilkinson, Pennsylvania State University
"Improving the Design of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Interventions"
Dr. R. Malatesha Joshi, Texas A&M University
"The Role of Orthography in Literacy Acquisition in Monolinguals and Bilinguals"
Dr. Susan Ellis Weismer, University of Wisconsin - Madison
"Investigating the Interplay Between Cognitive Mechanisms and Language Abilities in Children on the Autism Spectrum"
Fall 2015
"Complex Syntax in Children with Specific Language Impairment: The Perils and Rewards of Wading into Uncharted Territory"
Dr. Melanie Fried-Oken, Oregon Health & Science University
"Language & Literacy Without Moving a Muscle?
The Promise of Brain-Computer Interfaces"
Dr. David Francis,
University of Houston
"Are We There Yet?: Reflections on 30 Years of Statistical Journeys into the Science of Reading and Language"
Dr. Dorit Aram,
Tel Aviv University
"Early Parent-Child Writing Interactions with Children with Special Needs"
Spring 2015
"A Developmental Model for the Evaluation of Communication, Language and Speech Disorders in Toddlers"
Dr. Steven F. Warren, University of Kansas
“Sensors, Apps, and The Cloud: The Promise and Peril of Automatic Language Measurement and Analysis Technologies.”
Dr. Julius Fredriksson, University of South Carolina
"Speech Entrainment in Aphasia"
Dr. Stephanie Al Otaiba, Southern Methodist University
"RTI: A Decade After IDEA Recognition"
Dr. Chris Schatschneider, Florida State University
"The Role of Methodologists in Education Science"
Fall 2014
"The Literate Brain: Insights from Neuroimaging"
Dr. Nancy Brady,University of Kansas
"New Developments in Assessing and Treating Severe Communication Disorders"
Dr. Jeffrey Gruen, Yale Child Health Research Center
"Genetic Screening for Reading and Language: In the Loop with READ1"
Dr. Susan Murphy, University of Michigan
"Micro-Randomized Trials of Developing Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions In Health"
Spring 2014
"Teaching Vocabulary in Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms: Iterative Development and Evaluation of a Tier 2 Curriculum"
Dr. Laurie Cutting, Vanderbilt University
"Cognitive and Neurobiological Correlates of Reading Comprehension: A Not So Simple Story"
Dr. Leslie Gonzolaz Rothi, University of Florida
"The New Optimism of Neurorehabilitation Applied to Aphasia"
Fall 2013
"Becoming Symbol Minded"
Dr. Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, Temple University
"Language or Literacy: Preparing Children for Third Grade Reading"
Dr. Barbara Foorman, Florida State University
"The Structure of Oral Language and Its Relation to Reading at Various Levels of Comprehension in Kindergarten Through Grade 2"
Dr. Marc Fey, The University of Kansas Medical Center
"Grammatical Input as the Source of Grammatical Error in Specific Language Impairment"
Spring 2013
"Cross-Linguistic Resource Sharing in Biliteracy Development"
Dr. Susan Goldin-Meadow, University of Chicago
"Gesture's Role in Creating and Learning Language"
Dr. Kenn Apel, University of South Carolina
"Initial Acquisition of Mental Graphemic Representations"
Fall 2012
"Evidence-based Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: What are the Active Ingredients?"
Dr. Hugh Catts, University of Kansas
"Early Identification of Reading Disabilities"
Dr. Jon F. Miller, University of Wisconsin - Waisman Center
"Advances in Language Sample Analysis Using SALT Software"
Dr. Leonard Abbeduto, University of California - Davis School of Medicine
"Languge Development in Fragile X Syndrome: Phenotype, Variation, Mechanisms and Treatment
Dr. Connie Kasari, University of California, Los Angeles
"Engaging Autism: Development Implications for Interventions"
Spring 2012
"The Parenting Model of Development; The Role of Parents in Early Intervention"
Dr. Brian MacWhinney, Carnegie Mellon University
"Neurolinguistic Models and Language Disorders"
Language & Literacy Day, West Exhibit Area, 2nd Floor UL, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Dr. Helen Tager-Flusberg, Boston University
"Exploring Predictors of Spoken Language Development in Children with Autisim Spectrum Disorder"
Dr. Janna Oetting, Louisiana State University
"Child Language Impairment in the Context of English Dialect Diversity"
Fall 2011
“The Pleasure of Stories”
Dr. Bruce Crosson, University of Florida
“The Right Frontal Lobe in Language: Aging and Aphasia”
Dr. Elizabeth Peña, University of Texas at Austin
“Profiles of Language Impairment in Bilingual Children”
Dr. Steve Graham, Vanderbilt University
“Skills, Will, Strategies, and Knowledge: Catalysts for Writing Development”
Spring 2011
"Can Errors in Language Production be Traced to Weakness in Languge?"
Dr. Elaine Tarone, University of Minnesota
"Alphabetic Literacy Affects Oral Second-Language Processing."
Dr. Jason Anthony, University of Texas
"Development of Language and Early Literacy Skills in at Risk Populations."
Dr. Ann Kaiser, Vanderbilt University
"Parent-Implemented Early Communication Interventions: Methods, Outcomes and Challenges."
Fall 2010
"Help the Teacher, Help the Child: Supporting Young Children's Language and Early Literacy Development in High-Need Communities"
Dr. Maryanne Wolf, Tufts University
“Implications of the Evolving Reading Brain for Education and Intervention”
Dr. Patricia Greenfield, University of California, Los Angeles
“A Cross-Species Comparative Approach to the Development of Language and Representation”
Dr. Charles Perfetti, University of Pittsburgh
“Words in Comprehension, Comprehension in Words: Using and Building Lexical Knowledge in Reading”
Spring 2010
"African American Language Research in the 21st Century"
Dr. Frances Conners, University of Alabama
"What We Know and Don't Know About Reading and Intellectual Disability"
Dr. Dennis Molfese, University of Louisville
"The use of ERPs to Track and Predict Intervention Success in SLI Children"
Dr. David Uttal, Northwestern University
"Rethinking the Concrete-Abstract Distinction: Implications for Symbolic Development"
Fall 2009
"Input Matters: Evidence from Studies of Early Monolingual and Bilingual Development"
Dr. Mabel Rice, University of Kansas
"Identifying Shared Genetics of Disorders of Language, Speech, and Reading: Multiple Gene Effects and Methodological Challenges"
Dr. Margaret Harris, Oxford-Brookes University
"The Development of Literacy Skills in Children Who are Deaf"
Lecture Videos
Dr. Pamela Hadley, University of Illinois
Thursday, January 25, 2024
“Promoting Sentence Diversity with Toy Talk: From Initial Feasibility Studies to Clinical Trial”
Dr. Carol Hammer, Columbia University
Thursday, February 29, 2024
"Development and Validation of the Bilingual Assessment of Phonological Sensitivity"
Dr. Howard Goldstein, University of South Florida
L&L Day - Friday, April 19, 2024
"Iterative Development of Tiered Early Language and Literacy Interventions"
Contact Us
Center for Research on the Challenges of Acquiring Language Literacy
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.